What Is Traffic Calming?

Traffic Calming is the process of using physical design and other measures to improve safety for motorists, pedestrians, and cyclists. It is a tool to combat speeding and other unsafe behaviors of drivers in municipalities, neighborhoods, and private communities.

At Turnkey Safety Consultants, we offer a wide range of traffic calming products and services that encourage safer, more responsible driving on your roads.

What Is Automated Speed Enforcement?

Automated Speed Enforcement (A.S.E.) is a tool utilized by local governments, law enforcement agencies, and private communities to help enforce traffic regulations and increase safety for citizens on public roadways.  A.S.E. programs allow local governments or private communities to issue citations to individuals whose vehicles have been recorded violating local traffic regulations. The most common A.S.E. systems involve highly accurate and specially calibrated cameras that are activated when a vehicle exceeds the posted speed limit. A.S.E. acts as a supplement to the efforts of local law enforcement agencies and is not intended to replace existing law enforcement personnel or practices.

Is A.S.E. Legal/Constitutional?

Yes.  A.S.E. programs are currently utilized in cities and states across the United States. Moreover, the State of Alabama has specifically recognized the use of automated cameras for detection of traffic violations and enforcement of traffic laws. Courts at the state and federal levels have repeatedly upheld the legality and constitutionality of automated speed enforcement systems.

How Much Do A.S.E. Programs Cost Communities or Residents?

Nothing. When properly implemented, an Automated Speed Enforcement System does not cost the community or its residents any money. In fact, A.S.E. programs may result in additional funds for community safety programs including police departments, first responder agencies, or other safety initiatives.

Is A.S.E. Just A Way For Communities To Raise Money?

No.  First and foremost, A.S.E. programs are about community safety and protecting citizens on or around public roadways.  In fact, many A.S.E. programs are implemented with the expectation that any funds generated will gradually decrease as incidents of speeding are reduced and fewer speeding citations are issued.

Can I Contest An Automated Speeding Citation?

For almost all municipal citations, motorists have the option to:

(1) pay your fine online or by check/money order;

(2) contest your citation and request an administrative hearing; or

(3) provide an affidavit and supporting information confirming that you are not the owner of the subject vehicle, the subject vehicle was a rental, the subject vehicle was stolen, etc.  

For citations issued by private communities, the process for paying or contesting the citation will vary depending upon the rules and regulations of the community issuing the citation.

At Turnkey Safety Consultants, our singular goal is to assist you in making local roadways safer for your residents. For more information on Traffic Calming, Automated Speed Enforcement, and the wide range of products, services, and solutions we offer for local governments, law enforcement agencies, and private communities, please contact us by telephone or by clicking the link below.